St. Polycarp Press

Orthodox Liturgical Resources

Month: July, 2016

Gospel Book!

At long last, we have published the Gospel Book.

This is the complete Gospel Book, arranged according to Russian usage (running text of the four Gospels, with marginal- and footnotes indicating where and how to start a reading, and rubrics in the text indicating when to stop or skip). Includes exhaustive appendix with a calendar of readings, and Paschal table for the 21st century.

Available in two sizes: 6″x9″, with 12-point font ($40):

and 8.25″x10.75″, with 14-point font ($45):

The smaller version is planned to be available on Amazon (with a $10 markup) in a few weeks.

For those who are losing track of our offerings, or would like a convenient list, please download our free catalog (PDF):

Menologion and Calendar of Readings

This book is part of what is envisioned to be a set of interrelated liturgical books, which will include Gospel Books, an Epistle Book, and a complete New Testament — with liturgical markings in the text, and in the appendices, the contents of this book: a calendar of readings, prokeimena, alleluias, communion hymns, and antiphons.

While the Gospel Book, at the time of this writing, is nearly ready for publication, the Epistle book is farther behind (and with it, the complete New Testament). In part to make the appendices, at least, available to anyone who needs them, and in part to, hopefully, find any errors before the hardcover liturgical books are printed, we have assembled this book.